Without further ado - a few more pics:
A Downy Woodpecker couple are regular visitors to the backyard. They are especially fond of suet. Below, the male indicates I am not fibbing.
I've taken dozens, perhaps hundreds of shots which show some aspect of a departing bird. They're always either out of focus or partly out of the frame, or in some way unusable. I delete 98% of them. But every once in a while, an otherwise-poor shot offers something positive. In the following pic, a departing chickadee's blur still manages to reveal something of their fluidity and grace.
The dessicated currants below are still an important mid-winter source of food to many birds.
I have no idea what the flower below is. But the photo works for me.
I like the colour of these berries and the way they seem to be hanging in space.
The cute fellow below lives in my backyard and has come to be known as Patio Bob. I don't think I'd be overly surprised if some day he tucks a Volkswagen into those cheek pouches.
The colours of the leaves below caught my fancy. Not as bold as many autumn colours but the longer I looked, the more I saw and appreciated.
The sparrow below enjoys a bit of a nosh and some late-afternoon sun.
A lone sentinel stands watch.
I think I'll close this day's offering by mooning y'all.
Hope you're having a good one, wherever you are. Thanks for taking a peek.